Humans of Kurdistan
The "Humans Of Kurdistan" project aims to present the cultural diversity of the country. A look at the faces but also the stories that lie behind each of them.

March 13, 2022

“Ever since I was a child, I have been interested in art. I was a presenter and acted in plays in primary school. I hold a master’s degree in geography. I studied cinema at the Youth Cinema Society in Sanandaj when I was there on a military occasion. I grew up in a community and family where my chances of becoming a director were one percent and I fought hard for that one percent. I am very into documentary film and have produced four documentaries so far. Although I grew up in the beautiful nature of Hawraman, my love for this nature did not make me think only of the enchantment of this nature and forget about the pain and suffering of the community. So the cases of Kolbars (porters), migration of youth to Europe and the hardships of life in the borders have been reflected in my films. I have also photographed and documented fifty villages in Hawraman and Mariwan so far”.