October 9, 2020
“My grandmother was ninety years old, and despite her age, she was very healthy until one day she slipped and fell while washing up for the prayer. Both her knees were injured and she had to stay in bed. My mother's health was declining and I was the only child in the house, so I decided to take care of her. I was making her food, and bring her the medicine she needed in a timely manner. I was very attached to her, in a way that I loved her more than myself. However, it was starting to affect my education and my social life, to a point where I wasn't going out with my friends anymore in case my grandmother needed something. She stayed on that bed for 11 months.” “I decided to visit one of my sisters in Qamishli to relieve all the stress I had. I told my grandmother that I would only take a couple of days and will be back soon. She held my hands tight and asked me not to leave because she was afraid that she will never see me again, I gave her a fake smile and told her to not worry, nothing bad will happen. I will never forget that moment.They called me the same night saying my grandmother was in a really bad shape and she had asked for me. I regretted my decision to leave so I cried a lot that night.My brother and I decided to pay a driver to get us back to Hasaka immediately. When I opened the door I saw all of my relatives surrounding her, and she was still in her bed. I heard her calling my name, saying that she wants to see me before she passes. I got close and we held hands tightly, I told her that I was there for her and I would never leave her again all while we were both crying. She passed away right in front of me, and that left a big gap in my heart forever.” ...