February 4, 2021
“My father registered my sister and myself in a Tae Kwan Do school since we were 11 so that we can learn to defend ourselves and learn martial arts. Many people criticized us, but our family was supportive and were able to succeed. We have participated in many international competitions. Our first competition was in Urdu in Turkey, and I got a gold medal. In 2019, I participated in a tournament in Oman, Jordan and got a gold medal in that one, too, and in the same year I got a bronze in Beirut Open. I also got a gold medal in Erbil tournament in 2018. We had planned to participate in Berlin and Malaysia tournaments, but we couldn't due to the pandemic. In 2016, there was an explosion next to our school, we lost two of our friends, and that was a dark period. Nevertheless, we never gave up. Alongside with Tae Kwan Do, I also study Science at Euphrates University. I am in my third year and I have only left one year to graduate. I believe in myself, and I know I succeed both in Tae Kwan Do and in college as well”. ...